Kate Osamor MP
Useful Organisations
Citizens Advice Enfield: Phone: 0300 330 1167 or 0808 278 7837 http://citizensadviceenfield.org.uk/
Haringey Law Centre in Enfield Phone: 020 8150 6588 Email: info@hlc-enfield.org.uk
Z2K Phone: 0207 259 0801
Disability Law Service Phone: 020 7791 9800 Email: advice@dls.org.uk
Scope Helpline: 0808 800 3333 Email: helpline@scope.org.uk
Aire Centre (advice for EU nationals) Phone: 0207 831 4276 Email: info@airecentre.org 020 7831 https://www.airecentre.org
Entitlement Check Turn2us Phone: 0808 802 2000
Support for single parent families Gingerbread Phone: 0808 802 0925 https://www.gingerbread.org.uk/
National Energy Action (Energy Advice) Benefits Advice Line: 0800 138 8218 https://www.nea.org.uk/contact-us/
Age UK Advice Line: 0800 678 1602 https://www.ageuk.org.uk/services/age-uk-advice-line/
Advice Local
Debt Free London Phone: 0800 808 5700 Website: https://debtfree.london
National Debtline Phone: 0808 808 4000 Website: www.nationaldebtline.org
Step Change Phone: 0800 138 1111 Website: www.stepchange.org
Money Advice Service Phone: 0800 138 7777 Website: https://www.moneyadviceservice.org.uk/en
Debt Advice Foundation Phone: 0800 043 40 50 Website: http://www.debtadvicefoundation.org/contact
Citizens Advice Enfield Phone: 0300 330 1167 Website: http://citizensadviceenfield.org.uk/
Haringey Law Centre in Enfield Phone: 020 8150 6588 Email: info@hlc-enfield.org.uk Website: https://hlc-enfield.org.uk/
Enfield Debt Centre Phone: 07596 735789 Email: info@enfielddebt.org
Advice Local
Haringey Migrant Resource Centre: Phone: 020 4566 7412 (Thurs from 10am) Email: info@haringeymsc.org
Joint Council for the Welfare of Immigrants Phone: 020 7553 7470 Email: info@jcwi.org.uk Website: jcwi.org.uk
Praxis Phone: 020 7749 7608
Haringey Law Centre in Enfield Phone: 0208 150 6588 Email: info@hlc-enfield.org.uk
Enfield Evening Advice Service Website: https://www.lawworks.org.uk/legal-advice/individuals/enfield-evening-advice-serviceCardinal Hume Centre: Phone: 020 7227 1670 Website: https://www.cardinalhumecentre.org.uk/need-help/immigration-advice/
Notre Dame Refugee Centre Phone: 020 7440 2668 Email: info@notredamerc.org.uk
Migrant Legal Action Advice Line Phone: 0203 150 1470 Email: info@migrantlegalaction.org.uk
Aire Centre (advice for EU nationals) Phone: 0207 831 4276 Website: https://www.airecentre.org/
Rights of Women (Women only) Immigration & Asylum Law: 020 7490 7689
Refugee Women's Association (Women Only) Phone: 0207 923 2412 Emal: info@refugeewomen.org.uk Website: www.refugeewomen.org.uk
Advice Local
Asylum Seekers – Manuel Bravo Project Website: manuelbravo.org.uk/gethelp
LGBTQI+ Refugees/Migrants – Rainbow Migration Website: rainbowmigration.org.uk Phone: 0207 922 7811
Refugee Legal Support (for Aghan Nationals regarding applications for family reunification under the Afghan Relocation and Assistance Policy scheme/ Afghan Citizens Resettlement Scheme):
https://www.refugeelegalsupport.org/ Email: 0
OR Find fee charging solicitor: https://solicitors.lawsociety.org.uk/
For those in immigration detention or facing deportation:
Bail for Immigration Detainees (BID) Detainee helplineTel: 020 7456 9750 Adviceline – 0207 456 9750
Detention Action: Website: detentionaction.org.uk Phone: 0800 587 2096
Appeals Asylum Support Appeals Project: Website: asaproject.org Phone: 0203 716 0283
6 020 7831 4276 |
Emergency situations
(you are street homeless or about to be evicted):
For those facing Eviction/ Possession Proceedings
Housing Loss Prevention Advice Service (Duncan Lewis Solicitors)
Tel: 0333 772 2762 Or submit an online enquiry: https://www.duncanlewis.co.uk/Home/contact
The service provides:
Individuals who require the above service do not need to meet legal aid financial eligibility rules as the service is means free, but they will be required to show evidence that they are at risk of losing of their home. Shelter 0808 800 4444 https://england.shelter.org.uk
For those aged 16-25 Centrepoint 0808 800 0661 https://centrepoint.org.uk/youth-homelessness/get-help-now/
Depaul UK - Support for young people who are, or at risk of homelessness including emergency accommodation Phone: 0207 939 1220 Website: https://www.depaul.org.uk/
To find an emergency hostel place: Streetlink: 0300 500 0914. https://www.streetlink.london/Streetlink_London_HomePage
Marylebone Project (Women only) (24 hour drop in)
Non-emergency situations (e.g. you want advice on your position on a council list or you believe your property is unsuitable):
Shelter Phone: 0344 515 1540 https://england.shelter.org.uk/get_help/webchat
Haringey Law Centre in Enfield: Phone: 020 8150 6588 Email: info@hlc-enfield.org.uk
Citizens Advice Enfield: Phone: 0300 330 1167 http://citizensadviceenfield.org.uk
Advice Local
Housing Law Practitioners’ Association: https://www.hlpa.org.uk/cms/find-a-housing-lawyer/
Renters – Advice for Renters Website: adviceforrenters.org Phone: 0207 624 4327
Housing Ombudsman
Investigates complaints about Social Housing Providers (The Council or Housing Associations and some private housing providers) https://www.housing-ombudsman.org.uk/
Project 17: 07963 509 044.
Project 17 have produced a useful guide to support available to those with no recourse to public funds:
Rights of Women: 020 76081137
Coram Children’s Legal Centre https://www.childrenslegalcentre.com/ Education Law: 0300 330 5485 Child Law Advice: 0300 330 5480
For children with disabilities (including Special Educational Needs):
Contact Helpline: 0808 808 3555 Submit an online query: https://contact.org.uk/submit-a-helpline-query/ Website:
SOS SEN 020 8538 3731
Independent Provider of Special Education Advice: Website ipsea.org.uk Email: office@ipsea.org.uk
Enfield SEND Information, Advice and Support Service 020 8373 6273/020 8373 6243 enquiries@enfieldparents.org.uk Website:
Here you can email for one-off legal advice:
You can also contact: • Special Educational Needs Pathways https://www.sendecisions.org.uk/ • IPSEA ( Independent Provider of Special Education Advice: https://www.ipsea.org.uk / 01799 582030 • CEN: http://cenlive.org/
For Children with autism National Autistic Society's education rights helpline https://www.autism.org.uk/contact-us
For School Exclusions
Just For Kids Law
For Migrant Children: Migrant Children’s Project 0207 636 8505 mcpadvice@coramclc.org.uk
Family Rights Group 0808 801 0366
PohWER – Care Act Advocacy Phone: 0300 456 2370 Email: pohwer@pohwer.
Advice Local
Women’s Aid
Centre for Women’s Justice Website: https://www.centreforwomensjustice.org.uk/
National Domestic Violence Helpline – 0808 2000 247
Domestic Violence Assist: Phone: 0800 195 8699 Email: support@dvassist.org.uk Website: dvassist.org.uk
National Centre for Domestic Violence: Website: ncdv.org.uk Phone: 0800 970 2070 Text: NCDV to 6077 for a call back
The Men’s Advice Line, for male domestic abuse survivors – 0808 801 0327 National LGBT+ Domestic Abuse Helpline – 0800 999 5428
Surviving Economic Abuse: Phone: 0808 196 8845 Website: https://survivingeconomicabuse.org/ |
If you are not a member of a Trade Union:
Haringey Law Centre in Enfield Phone: 020 8150 6588 Email: info@hlc-enfield.org.uk
Citizens Advice Enfield Phone: 0300 330 1167 http://citizensadviceenfield.org.uk/
Advice Local
Employment Law for London: Phone: 0207 633 4534 Website: https://swllc.org/about-us/elf-london/
Free Representation Unit - Employment Tribunals: Website: thefru.org.uk Email: admin@thefru.org.uk Phone: 020 7611 9555
Advisory Conciliation and Arbitration Service (ACAS): 0300 123 1100 http://www.acas.org.uk/
Citizens Advice consumer helpline 0808 223 1133
Enfield Trading Standards 0208 379 1000 trading.standards@enfield.gov.uk. |
NACRO https://www.nacro.org.uk/resettlement-advice-service/ Tel: 0300 123 1889 Resettlement advice: 0300 123 1999
St Giles Trust https://www.stgilestrust.org.uk/who-we-are
Advance – Advice for women and girls arrested or convicted in last 6 months Website: advancecharity.org.uk Email: admin@advancecharity.org.uk
Prisoner’s Families Helpline Website: prisonersfamilies.org Email: info@prisonersfamilies.org Phone: 0808 808 2003
Under 21 – Howard League for Penal Reform Phone: 0808 801 0308 Email: info@howardleague.org Website: howardleague.org
Prisoners’ Advice Service PO Box 46199 Tel: 020 7253 3323
Royal Courts of Justice CAB
Rights of Women: 020 7608 1137 Family Law: 020 7251 6577 Criminal Law: 020 7251 8887 Immigration & Asylum Law: 020 7490 7689
Disability Law Service Advice in the following areas:
0207 791 9800advice@dls.org.uk
CRISIS HELPLINES: If you're in crisis and need to talk right now, there are many helplines staffed by trained people ready to listen. They won't judge you and could help you make sense of what you're feeling.
Samaritans 116 123
SANEline 0300 304 7000 (4.30pm-10.30pm every day).
National Suicide Prevention Helpline 0800 689 5652 (6pm-3.30am every day)
Campaign Against Living Miserably 0800 58 58 58 Webchat: https://www.thecalmzone.net/get-support
Shout If you would prefer not to talk but would want some mental health support text SHOUT to 85258
Under 25 The Mix 0808 808 4994 (3pm-midnight every day) Webform: https://www.themix.org.uk/get-support/speak-to-our-team/email-us
Under 35 Papyrus HOPELINEUK 0800 068 4141 (weekdays 10am-10pm, weekends/bank holidays 2pm-10pm) Email: pat@papyrus-uk.org Text 07786 209 697
Gay, Lesbian, Bisexual or Transgender Switchboard 0300 330 0630 (10am-10pm, every day) Email: chris@switchboard.lgbt
General Support and advocacy for those with mental health issues:
Mind in Enfield
PohWER – Advocacy Services: Website: pohwer.net Phone: 0300 456 2370 Email: pohwer@pohwer.net
Tax Aid
Free, independent and confidential advice to UK taxpayers on a low income who haven’t been able to sort out their tax issues with HMRC. Tax aid do not provide advice on Corporation Tax (Limited Companies), Tax Planning, Tax Credits, Benefits, Council Tax or non-UK tax issues 0345 120 3779 Contact form: https://taxaid.org.uk/ |
Citizens Advice https://www.citizensadvice.org.uk/
Advice Local
GOV.UK https://www.gov.uk/
Law Centres Network https://www.lawcentres.org.uk/
Advocate – Free Legal Help from volunteer barristers for those ineligible for legal aid Email: enquiries@weareadvocate.org.uk Website: http://www.weareadvocate.org.uk/
Free Representation Unit – Welfare Benefit + Employment Tribunals: FRU provides free of charge representation at certain tribunals for people who are not eligible for legal aid but who cannot afford lawyers. Website: thefru.org.uk Email: admin@thefru.org.uk Phone: 020 7611 9555
Support Through Court https://www.supportthroughcourt.org/
Civil Queries – 0204 520 5959 – londoncivil@supportthroughcourt.org Family Queries – 0204 520 4063
ASB Help Website: asbhelp.co.uk
Victim Support: Phone: 0808 1689 11 Website: victimsupport.org.uk
If you are charged with an offence:
Bereavement Advice Centre: Website: https://www.bereavementadvice.org/ Phone: 0800 634
Cruse Bereavement Support: Phone: 0808 808 1677 Website: https://www.cruse.org.uk/
Planning Aid England: Phone: 0207 929 8338 Email: info@planningaid.rtpi.org.uk Website: https://www.rtpi.org.uk/planning-advice
Citizens Advice: Phone: 0300 330 1167 Website: https://www.citizensadvice.org.uk/housing/problems-where-you-live/complaining-about-your-neighbour/