
Monday 30th November

  • This week a huge number of constituents wrote to me calling for a ceasefire in Gaza. I have called for an immediate ceasefire and will continue to call out war crimes and push for an end to the massacre of civilians. The world cannot stand by while thousands of innocent children are killed. We must push for an end to the bloodshed and a long-term solution that ends the occupation and delivers peace, security and equality to all Palestinians and Israelis.
  • My constituent’s heating was finally fixed after many delays. The landlord has now agreed to rectify other issues at the property, including updating the property’s kitchen.


Tuesday 31st November

  • A number of constituents wrote to me this week expressing their concern that Housing Benefit continues to be frozen, even as rents in the private rented sector increase at an alarming rent. This freeze means that more and more people are finding renting unaffordable. In the long term, we need to build social homes on a huge scale, but this is an emergency that requires an emergency response. That means unfreezing housing benefit now and giving Local Authorities like Enfield Council the funds to house families who have been made homeless.
  • The Home Office agreed to expedite my constituent’s citizenship application and he was granted British Citizenship after years of delays which caused a great deal of hardship to their family.


Wednesday 1st November 

  • I was very pleased that this week the Government finally U-Turned on their plans to close railway ticket offices after huge public pressure not to do so. The plan was cooked up by Rail Companies looking to increase their profits at the expense of passengers and would have left vulnerable passengers in a very difficult position. I opposed the plans from the start and wrote to the Secretary of State for Transport to make my position clear – I’m glad they have finally seen sense.
  • Enfield Council agreed to withdraw a council tax summons and write off more than £500 worth of Council Tax arrears and court fees for my constituent.


Thursday 2nd November

  • This week I signed a letter along with a number of other MPs calling on the Secretary of State for Health & Social Care to write to families eligible for Healthy Start payments who are currently missing out. Health Start payments provide many pregnant women and families with free healthy food which is vital to a child’s development. But sadly across the UK 68% of families claim the payments and in some areas that number is as low as 50%.
  • Enfield Council conceded bailiffs attending my constituent’s address was a result of their error and they agreed to withdraw environment action for Council Tax arrears as a result.


Friday 3rd November

  • This week I received more than 250 emails, with many constituents contacting me about the terrible situation in Gaza while others contacted me about housing issues, home office delays and more.
  • Several constituents contacted me this week regarding water supply issues at Scott House. I’m looking into this urgently. As we move into winter it’s more and more important that issues like these are resolved as quickly as possible.


Thank you for taking the time to read my latest update, if you have any issues that you would like to raise directly with me then please do email  edmontonconstituency@parliament.uk. I’m always happy to help whenever possible.

Kind regards,

Kate Osamor

Member of Parliament for Edmonton

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